….marveling at the original, signed work of early New Mexico Artists such as Gustave Baumann, Will Schuster, Peter Moran, and Helen Blumenschein, artists who made Santa Fe famous on both coasts and in Europe, right here in Silver City.…….amazed at the entire Permanent Collection of American Art being preserved and curated in educational exhibitions in the Southwest Regional Museum of Art.
These pages give a hint of experiences awaiting you when SWRMA completes its fund - raising and BUILDS a great fine art museum in Silver City.
IMAGINE YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY…….At the festive opening of a magically lit Museum exhibition of Fine Art Glass, or contemporary Clay works…….and strolling to another gallery where an exhibition loaned by a major museum or artist thousands of miles away means you are enjoying excellent art you would not see otherwise. ….guiding your visiting family to a third gallery to see an exhibit by local photographers of images from the Gila you have loved and can now share… or making it a point to visit the annual Regional Southwest States Juried Exhibition to see the latest trends in contemporary art.
IMAGINE YOUR GRANDCHILDREN……Laughing as they create clay sculpture in the
Art Center or seriously studying one of the artworks in the Museum and learning how the artist designed it, what it means, and the materials used… then creating their own work of art in the Art Center or applying that creative stimulation to music, writing,
or figuring out how things work.
IMAGINE SILVER CITY …. With another reason to have pride in its cultural opportunities…. Being visited by more people staying longer,
increasing Lodger’s Tax amount for all non-profits…..
increasing revenue for local businesses,
increasing job opportunities, and attracting like-minded people to live here…….
increasing its reputation nationally as an “Art Town.”
IMAGINE YOURSELF …Digging more deeply into history as you use the Museum’s permanent art collection to learn more about life, work, social issues, economic conditions, exploration, or geology of the past and applying the past to the present….….as a visual artist seeing excellent new work by other visual artists……with your own art curated into an exhibition at SWRMA. Enjoying all the additional educational benefits of Southwest Regional Museum of Art and Art Center including: Using the free Fine Art Research Library….Attending the Free Art Film Series….Learning at Artists Lives Lectures…. Creating in the Art Center….Watching and learning from demonstrations by artists ……Socializing at Museum Events
Donate through PayPal or your credit card BY CLICKING HERE!
Or mail a check to SWRMA and Art Center, PO Box 1284, Silver City, NM. 88062
SWRMA and Art Center is a 501(c)(3) educational charity.
You will receive a Thank You and receipt.