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All art collectors feel the joy of each addition to his or her collection, but eventually the thought occurs; “What will happen to my collection when I pass?”
They begin to plan a way to share, so these personal pieces of art can be enjoyed by all. Southwest Regional Museum of Art and Art Center has been honored by these gifts and is grateful to the many families who have donated artwork from their collections.
Painting on right: “Rehearsal” – Shirley A. Campbell
Mixed media on canvas
Art Thus Far Gifted to Southwest Regional Museum of Art Includes:
*Art by well-known artists whose other artworks are in the collections of major museums worldwide.
* Nearly 400 Paintings and original, signed prints, drawings, and photography
* Large and small -scale bronze and clay sculpture
* Contemporary Ceramics
* Within the C.N. Flanders Art Research Library of over 3000 volumes are rare, limited edition, out-of-print books with signed, original art.
Part of the Original Paintings Collection
The Southwest Regional Museum of Art painting collection is currently weighted toward mid – twentieth century artists from California. The Museum is working toward a broader representation of painters from diverse geographic areas through loaned art to exhibit while its own collection grows.
Painting to left: “Out of Gas” Casein and Ink
by Leighton Fossum, NM
Part of the Original Prints Collection
The Southwest Regional Museum of Art owns an extensive collection of original prints. Etchings, woodcuts, collagraphs, and lithographs including works by Birger Sandzen, Richard Lindner, Raphael Soyer, Gustave Baumann, Fritz Scholder, Peter Hurd and Leonard Baskin.
Painting to right: Untitled Lithograph
by Richard Lindner